Oertzenweg 19 b
14163 Berlin
+49 30 838 62600
Take-home message:
Calves with diarrhoea suffer from a negative electrolyte, fluid and nurtient balance as a result of faecal losses. To eliminate these deficits, during the disease the animals must be given a larger amount of these substances and fluid than is necessary under physiological conditions.
Oral rehydration solutions (ORS) consisting of electrolyte water and organic substances are siutable for combating the impending electrolyte and fluid deficit of the sick calves. Because calves with diarrhoea ultimately die from dehydration, the administration of effective ORS is of great therapeutic significance.
Calves with diarrhoea should be administered highly digestible milk nutrients in a treatment regime in which milk nutrient amounts remain unchanged or, if reduced, then only slightly and for a short period