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Fachbereich Veterinärmedizin


    Publication Database

    Monitoring the body temperature of cows and calves using video recordings from an infrared thermography camera (2012)

    Zeitschriftenartikel / wissenschaftlicher Beitrag
    Hoffmann, Gundula
    Schmidt, Mariana
    Ammon, Christian
    Rose-Meierhöfer, Sandra
    Burfeind, Onno
    Heuwieser, Wolfgang
    Berg, Werner
    Veterinary Research Communications
    Bandzählung: 37
    Heftzählung: 2
    Seiten: 91 – 99
    ISSN: 0165-7380
    DOI: 10.1007/s11259-012-9549-3
    Pubmed: 23264091
    Tierklinik für Fortpflanzung

    Königsweg 65
    Haus 27
    14163 Berlin
    +49 30 838 62618

    Abstract / Zusammenfassung

    The aim of this study was to assess the variability of temperatures measured by a video-based infrared camera (IRC) in comparison to rectal and vaginal temperatures. The body surface temperatures of cows and calves were measured contactless at different body regions using videos from the IRC. Altogether, 22 cows and 9 calves were examined. The differences of the measured IRC temperatures among the body regions, i.e. eye (mean: 37.0 °C), back of the ear (35.6 °C), shoulder (34.9 °C) and vulva (37.2 °C), were significant (P < 0.01), except between eye and vulva (P = 0.99). The quartile ranges of the measured IRC temperatures at the 4 above mentioned regions were between 1.2 and 1.8 K. Of the investigated body regions the eye and the back of the ear proved to be suitable as practical regions for temperature monitoring. The temperatures of these 2 regions could be gained by the use of the maximum temperatures of the head and body area. Therefore, only the maximum temperatures of both areas were used for further analysis. The data analysis showed an increase for the maximum temperature measured by IRC at head and body area with an increase of rectal temperature in cows and calves. The use of infrared thermography videos has the advantage to analyze more than 1 picture per animal in a short period of time, and shows potential as a monitoring system for body temperatures in cattle.