Koserstr. 20
14195 Berlin
+49 30 838 75784
25 cows were selected for the examination of the healing of the RUSTERHOLZ ulcer
(and the possible influence of biotin supplementation upon the healing). The light and
transmission electron microscope were used for examination. The animals selected
for the study were all affected by moderate RUSTERHOLZ ulcers. The cows were
housed in the veterinary surgical clinic of the University Zurich throughout the entire
study (50 days). 12 animals received 40 mg of biotin per day with their feed, 12 other
animals served as a control group. The samples were taken at three different dates
and were examined thoroughly with the light and transmission microscope. The gel
electrophoretic separation of the cytoproteins in the cornified epidermis of the biotin
and control animals serves, on the one hand, as a basis for comparison of the
expressed cytoprotein cluster of individual animals during the various healing stages.
On the other hand, it serves as a comparison between the biotin and the control