Polymorphism of Tyr and MC1R genes among Orlov horse (Equus Caballus) populations (2002)
- Art
- Poster
- Autoren
- Knyazev, S. P.
- Gutorova, N. V.
- Reissmann, M.
- Wagner, H. J.
- Kongress
- XXVIII International Conference on Animal Genetics
- Göttingen, 11. – 15.08.2002
- Quelle
- XXVIII International Conference on Animal Genetics / International Society of Animal Genetics
- Göttingen: ISAG, 2002 — S. 111
- Sprache
- Englisch
- Kontakt
- Institut für Veterinär-Biochemie
Oertzenweg 19 b
14163 Berlin
+49 30 838 62225