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Fachbereich Veterinärmedizin


    Publication Database

    Improving the management of trypanosomosis in smallholder livestock productuion systems in tsetse-infested sub-Saharan Africa


    The control of African Animal Trypanosomosis is threatened by the development of resistance against the currently available trypanocidal drugs throughout tsetse-infested sub-Saharan Africa. No new trypanocidal drugs will be developed in the near future. Nevertheless, drug treatments are and, for the foreseeable future, will continue to be the main tool available to (and accepted by) smallholder livestock keepers to control the disease. There is thus an urgent need to address the trypanocidal drug resistance problem at the continental scale. The speed with which trypanocide resistance develops and the type of resistance (single or multiple drug resistance) depend on a multi-factorial process driven by (i) the trypanocidal drug use practices, (ii) the quality of trypanocidal drugs on the local market, (iii) the ability to detect resistance and (iv) the availability of strategies to minimize and control resistance at the smallholder level.
    The action will address each of the factors contributing to the development of drug resistance through (i) improving the capacity and capability of African laboratories and veterinary services to detect trypanocide resistance and to conduct quality control of trypanocidal drugs, (ii) based on the information obtained on the prevalence of trypanocidal drug resistance and the quality of drugs, support the development of strategies to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of available trypanocides and (iii) to promote and monitor the use of the technical and structural innovations developed in partnership at a regional and continental scale.
    The action will be implemented in a region of Ethiopia, Mozambique and Togo where there are indications that trypanodical drug resistance is becoming a constraint to livestock production.

    Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Peter-Henning Clausen
    Eintragende Einrichtung: Institut für Parasitologie und Tropenveterinärmedizin
    Projektlaufzeit: 01.01.2012 bis 28.02.2017
    Projekttyp: Forschungsprojekt
    • Partner: Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp (Applicant); Institute of Development and Agricultural economics (Leibniz University Hannover); Centre International de Recherche-Developpement sur l'Elevage en Zone Subhumide, Burkina Faso; National Animal Health Diagnostic and Investigation Centre, Ethiopia;.University of Pretoria, South Africa; Direction de l'Elevage du Togo; Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique
    Mittelgeber: EurpopeAid
